Armenia Travel Information
What our users say about traveling in Armenia. Have something to say, too? Add your comments here.
Elm visited
Yerevan on 2018-08-06 and has this to say:
Travel around the city
Kattarina visited
Yerevan on 2009-09-02 and has this to say:
Good people!
Beautiful Nature!
Tasty food)
Pisdjuk visited
Yerevan on 2008-08-15 and has this to say:
Very nice and impressive city with nice curious people easy to talk to
Henrik63 visited
Yerevan on 2008-08-15 and has this to say:
Many nice monuments
Mareta90 visited
Goris on 2006-03-03 and has this to say:
Делали шашлык.
Labuda visited
Yerevan on 2005-05-21 and has this to say:
positive impressions
viola552 visited
Yerevan on 2005-05-15 and has this to say:
Была счастлива.
Member7147485 visited
Charentsavan on 2000-01-01 and has this to say:
Stayed in a great hotel, met really nice people
gabukas visited
Ijevan on 1991-08-18 and has this to say:
lovely people, beautifull country
laimaW visited
Yerevan on 1990-04-10 and has this to say:
Hot place, warm people :)
Member5876038 visited
Yerevan on 1987-06-07 and has this to say:
Aliya Orynbayeva
Member3217855 visited
Yerevan on 1985-07-18 and has this to say:
Кроме Еревана посетила ещё тогда Дилижан, Севан, Туманян, Ленинакан
Tatiana825 visited
Yerevan on 1976-07-16 and has this to say:
Прекрасная архитектура, теплый прием, живописная природа.
sladkoe visited
Yerevan on 1976-03-23 and has this to say:
BAREV DZEZ Ushadir kardaceq,qani vor heraxosov harceri chem patasxanelu.GAXTNIUTYUNN APAHOVUM EM.
MEKjamn=QARASUN HAZARdram(amen mekicd).INDZ HAMAR MEKEteMEKjamum inch tesak ser kuzeq,DRANIC GINchi poxvi.GISHER CHEMmnum.Es tex chunem,hyuranoci harcer chem lucum.HandipumEMmiayn apahovichov.HandipumEMmiaynEREVANUMev cerekva jamerin,erekoyan jamiTAS-icHETOanimaste zangel,PAKhamaricCHZANGEQchemVERCNI(smsGREQ).Animaste sakarkel.Ete txa eq axchka anunov,lav klini naxoroq aseq.
Lala-33,166,72,shek mazerov,karichnivi achqerov,ERORDhamari kurc,shat spitak mashk,KISARUS,cankaser,hetaqrqir,kirt.
CRAGRUM - : - es TIRUHI(GASPAJA)em=xaxaliqner(dzernashxta,vzkap,kanaci nerqnazgest txu hagnelu hamar,txamardu arhestakan andamner,rezin,chipot),voske andzrev cankacoxi vra,EKUaxchka ser(lezbi)=(hisunHAZAR dram(AXCHIKN DZERkoxmic(amenMEKIC)),AXCHKAhet(eteERKUhogu em spasarkelu,uremnUTANASUNhazar dram),ERKUtxamardu het(UTANASUNhazar dram),vatsunINNdzevov,hetevic,lezvov(minet kam kunilingus),inqnabavararum.MarmnakanSIROmej sirum emAMEN INCH…evPOXOV… bayc hisheq,esTIRUHIem.
Member3379095 visited
Yerevan on 1975-01-05 and has this to say:
the life is short......