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Member3918338 has visited 5 places.
(On Holiday) 2010-11-15
On a Holiday with 3 of my 4 children - break from military assignment
(Ono Holiday, sight seeing while waiting for family) 2010-11-07
On a Holiday - visiting many places I had visited on earlier visits to Germany - while waiting for 3 of my 4 children to arrive from the states - break from military assignment
United Arab Emirates
(Stayed over in Dubai a few days in route on Holiday) 2010-11-04
Found Dubai and he UAE to be a very friendly country - wonderful city...
@ Paktya Province (Eastern Mountains (Army Deployment - building projects with Army Corps of Engineers) 2010-03-04
There were challanges due to the war - we did get several projects finished, and made good progress. The Afghan people were sincere and honorable - I was privillaged to work with many hard working trustworthy Afghan Engineers, as well as the same qualities in the local people.
Sierra Leone
@ Northern of country (Was the son of the Medical Doctor assigned to Hospital) 1964-10-01
Growing up with all the friendly people - after we left the whole area was pulled into many years of bloody war - the time I remember there, it was nothing like that. The country and the people were all friendly...