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I am a: 61-year-old man
zodiac sign: Sagittarius Sagittarius
located in: West Columbia, South Carolina, United States
looking for: 43 - 58-year-old man
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Member4402956 has visited 2 places.
Port Maria, Jamaica @ cruise line (Vacation , with Bear Cruise/ not ) 1913-02-20
We were on Royal Caribbean, With Bear Cruise,the best best cruise EVER! BTW, and were docking in Jamaica. Also there was a GAY cruise trying to dock as well, and they were denied port. Our group was told to stay on the DL when we docked and not to stick out of the crowd because of what happened , and they were not told that we on board so we could port.WE were 315 Bears out of the rest of the passengers on board." Also we were told to stay in the compound and not wonder out beyond the gated walls. If so they would not be responsible for our safety cause if we did , we might be robbed, beaten, killed or even arrested.Plus they couldnt guarantee our return back to the ship in time- that was to ALL PASSENGERS!" SO my experience and thoughts of Jamaica - Yall can have it! Gay or not, its not gay friendly, and its a very unsafe place - period. would i go back, HELL NO.
George Town, Cayman Islands @ Bear Cruise (Vacation , with Bear Cruise/ not ) 1913-02-18
Loved every second of it. Very expensive,but very beautiful and worth every drop of relaxing exhale. This a must have on your get away. Snorkeling was fantastic, like swimming in a giant aquarium. Peaceful and stress free is all i have to say. Wish i could live out my retirement there in flippers and shorts being a beach bum. :)

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