
(Online more than 3 months)

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I am a: 43-year-old woman
zodiac sign: Virgo Virgo
located in: Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
looking for: 41 - 81-year-old man
relationship: Marriage
Long-term relationship
race: White (Caucasian)
marital status: Widowed
children: None
eye color: Brown
hair color: Blonde
body type: Average
height: 5' 9'' (175cm)
religion: Christian / Catholic
drinking: Non drinker
smoking: Non smoker
food: I'll tell you later
occupation: Other
education: Some High School
languages: English (Spoken and Written)
interests: Charity, Cooking, Dancing, Movies, World Music

General information:
Am 81 years when my dad wanted to wanted to take me for a walk at age 35 which we took about 615 miles walk away from home and got back on timing at 541kg you can be that smart.

well talk more about it later

Looking for:
strong loving man for me

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