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(Online 5 days ago)

views this month: 42
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I am a: 51-year-old woman
zodiac sign: Capricorn Capricorn
located in: Moscow, Russia
looking for: 45 - 55-year-old man
relationship: Marriage
Long-term relationship
race: Other
marital status: Divorced
children: 2
eye color: Blue
hair color: Other
body type: Average
height: 5' 6'' (168cm)
religion: Christian
drinking: Non drinker
smoking: Non smoker
food: Non Vegetarian
occupation: Other
education: I'll tell you later
languages: Russian (Native)
English (Some)
German (Minimal)
interests: Arts, Cooking, Cycling, Food, Reading, Swimming

General information:
О себе: женщина за 50... самодостаточная, состоявшаяся, ищу друга/супруга для серьезных стабильных отношений. Вторая половина жизни должна быть не менее яркой и счастливой чем первая! Я люблю бег, пешие и велосипедные прогулки, путешествия, книги, музыку. Я умею вязать, шить, готовить, пеку домашний хлеб на закваске. About me: a woman over 50... self-sufficient, accomplished, looking for a friend/husband for a serious stable relationship. The second half of life should be no less bright and happy than the first! I love running, walking and cycling, traveling, books, music. I can knit, sew, cook, bake homemade sourdough bread.

Я сторонник натуральной красоты. Внешность и здоровье подарок родителей и вселенной. Средний рост. Среднего теложения. I am a supporter of natural beauty. Appearance and health are a gift from parents and the universe. Average height. Average build.

Looking for:
Ты: христианин, самодостаточный, взрослый, душевный, реалист, с добрым сердцем и тёплыми руками. Обладатель хорошего здоровья, твёрдо стоящий на ногах. You: do you like or are interested in Russia. A Christian, self-sufficient, adult, sincere, realist, with a kind heart and warm hands. The owner of good health, firmly standing on your feet.

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