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I am a: 54-year-old man
zodiac sign: Gemini Gemini
located in: Berlin, Germany
looking for: 25 - 29-year-old woman
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children: None
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Mister33edYmailPtCom has visited 16 places.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia @ Hotel Bayangol (LOVE, Besuch, studies, sciences, social sciences, travel,) 1992-08-04
Hello by Ya. Chinbatar and Mister Bold. <p> meeting some peoples. <p> Love for future and something with-out my brain - I don't have a adress or name.
Vienna, Austria @ Goetheanistische Studienstaette, Mauer, 23.Bezirk (studies, life, love, social-studies, sciences, and more!) 1991-09-02
With Edwige P.! <p> First time with-out a chamber - camping in Moedling. <p> Than "Franch-Quarter" living in a house - was standing (not for sale and not for live, but) for speculation - we're Pirates! <p> But from ~15.October comes bad peoples from Landau/Pfalz/BRD to kill the relationship from us!!! (sending from p52). <p> Fasching - killing-time or the begining of the end - friends that not doing.
Leipzig, Germany @ Hangar 7, Airport Leipzig/GDR (pseudo-work, special-session, studies, sciences) 1984-11-28
Special-Effect with Jette Unterweger born as Henriette Richter-Roehl*9.January!!! <p> p52-management. <p> S58-manipulated. <p> with "wrangler luxury offroader" - it's only a car and can drive offroad verry softly (with luxury cuisine, cleaning mashine and dry'er, refrigerateure, three beds, good music system, maximum speed 185km/h - is not so much.
Selfoss, Iceland @ Skaftholt and around. (work from my engender and interessed social-studies for me.) 1980-09-03
come in saythisfjoersur, reykjavik. <p> Come nearly one day of the week to reykjavik to going in aeh-aeh-classic-music-concert and <p> looking for girls in the nighbourhood of the concert-house :) ! <p> swimming in our ("own" ;)) geothermal free-swimming-pool!! <p> I've drive more and more with the car - I'm better understand the physical systems and problematics as my engender (father).
Cottbus, Germany @ Juelich, Heide, HH, Weisswasser (Belowoda) and Cottbus (Heidi Friedrich management of work for my father in GDR.) 1979-03-19
I write later.
Pisa, Italy @ Largo di Como, Milano, Genua, Pisa, Florence, Merane, Tirol, (work, studies and travel) 1978-06-08
Ist noch nicht ganz klar erinnert.
Friedrichshafen, Germany @ Old school house, Untersiggingen, Deggenhausertal (Wiedersehen meiner Birgla! Es wurde eine Haupt-Heimat!) 1978-04-15
Normal life? read my blogs.
Friedrichshafen, Germany @ Birkle (third), with a other family - okay. (-between-) 1978-03-15
Friedrichshafen, Germany @ Tuefingen, between Salem and Daisendorf, Ueberlingen (Special-social-studies - and my parents - - !) 1977-05-04
on a other day, more!
Friedrichshafen, Germany @ Birkle (second) (? with a other family -?). (sozial-studies ;) !!!) 1977-01-26
Umzug - von dem Regen in die Traufe. Uebertreibe ich?
Friedrichshafen, Germany @ Andelshofen, Ueberlingen am Bodensee (Kindergarten) 1976-09-05
Little Room and bad nighbours (propre'taire).
Friedrichshafen, Germany @ Birkle (first), Wittenhofen, Deggenhausertal (Little Paradise - oups! true: little house of little hill - green!) 1975-09-05
wait - look in my blogs. <p> Earth quack (Erdbeben)(~begin of april ) ~6,5 RS - was interessed!!!
Aix-en-Provence, France @ Stier-Kampf - Play not "Spain-War"; Rhone-Delta; Sel-Mountains; Monaco: Fire on Sky (not new-year). (Voyage; Traveling; Transfer: Freiburg-Friedrichshafen; Abenteuer.) 1975-07-19
Something of Italy and Swiss. <p> Maybe more in ... ~next time!
Freiburg, Germany @ Maximilianstr.20 (I was growed!) 1971-10-15
I write in sometime later (from ~15.march). And of german in - also auf deutsch! denn mein english versteht niemand - die Rueckuebersetzungen sind ueberhaupt ungut - so wuensche ich viel Spass beim lesen!
Freiburg, Germany @ Johann-von-Weerth-Str. (I was born!) 1970-06-20
I've forget this act, shit.
Freiburg, Germany @ Beethovenstr. (my parents engender me!) 1969-09-20
my beginning of my live - but I can't say - I've forget, sorry!

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