Varna Dating, Varna Singles, Varna Personals

Varna dating
3 photos
Member7163028 (Online 3 months ago)
73-year-old woman seeking men 64-74; Divorced
Varna dating, Bulgaria
Я пенсионерка, люблю встречи с друзьями, прогулки с собакой, путешествия, рыбаку, катание наиавтомобиле Ина снегоходе Небольшого роста, блондинка с серыми глазами, честная и доброжелательная, люблю детей, готовить,
Varna singles
Member7105042 (Online 3 days ago)
68-year-old man seeking women 48-64; Widowed
Varna singles, Bulgaria
A normal guy with rather a wide scope of interests and hobbies, and quite trivial, but only natural life aspirations. Depending on the mood, season, etc., stay alternately in Moscow (Russia), where originally come from,
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