Senior Dating, Senior Singles, Senior Personals

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Member7166623 (Online more than 3 months)
62-year-old woman seeking men 61-81; Widowed
Simple reliable woman matured enough to face life challenges, retired now from work have more time for short travels interested to navigate things that i am not used to do I am from the Philippines. Casual dresser can
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Member7169849 (Online today)
75-year-old man seeking women 48-78; Widowed
Former Shipmaster of LISCO, Klaipeda Later Shipmanager, UN Consulting up to now in both London and Geneva Very active Slim-sportife Long-term relathions Marriage To live under sun in South of Europe
Member7166247 (Online more than 3 months)
62-year-old woman seeking men 58-70; I'll tell you later
I am friendly, benevolent, value truth, respect, peace. I think that people can always come to an agreement, find a way out of any situation. The most important thing is love. I am kind-hearted, compassionate and
Member7169571 (Online last month)
65-year-old man seeking women 52-64; Widowed
Английский не знаю поэтому пишу на своем. Есть двое взрослых детей от которых есть внуки. Сейчас просто живу, наблюдаю как это удается другим. Светлокожий, да еще такой что не воспринимаю много солнца. Волосы светлые.
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Member7165892 (Online 2 weeks ago)
58-year-old woman seeking men 52-58; Divorced
Я родилась на дальнем востоке России и живу в Израиле 30 лет. В разводе много лет. У меня две взрослые дочки которые живут в Израиле, Я косметолог Я хорошо и молодо выгляжу, люблю ухаживать за внешностью. стиль одежды у
Member7169464 (Online more than 3 months)
63-year-old man seeking women 19-41; Divorced
I'm from a small town near Moscow. I've been living alone for a long time. I'm interested in fishing. I am calm and non-conflict. I want to find a quiet, undemanding girl.
Member7165366 (Online more than 3 months)
54-year-old woman seeking men 61-82; Divorced
Down-to-Earth personality, animal lover, love the woods and wilderness, love and respect the ocean, love traveling with much World travel in my suitcase already, non-game player life is straight to the point, do not
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Member7169409 (Online more than 3 months)
74-year-old man seeking women 41-66; Divorced
Hi im Alfred I live in mgarr in the nature, my favorite hobby is fishing and before it was my job aswell.... before I retired I was a full time electrician, I have 3 kids but now they ve grown they don't live with me, I
Member7165237 (Online last month)
61-year-old woman seeking men 56-64; Widowed
Обычная, маленькая стерва. Люблю путешествовать. Небольшого роста, пару лишних килограмм. Любимый стиль-спортивный. Хочу понимания, уважения и любви.
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Member7169230 (Online more than 3 months)
73-year-old man seeking women 65-73; Widowed
По профессии строительство энергетических объектов. Родился и вырос на Урале, там же окончил институт - УПИ им. Кирова, долго жил в Волгодонске Ростовской области, вдовец, трое детей, четыре внука. Рост 168 см., седые
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